The Joy of Giving to MIU


Why I support MIU

“I love supporting MIU because it deals with the root causes, not the symptoms, and in so doing, effects real change. It brings me great joy to be a small cog in the wheel that is MIU, as our world moves toward unity and peace.” Esther (Rainie) York

Your gifts to MIU help create a better, more peaceful world. At MIU students from many places, cultures, and backgrounds experience growth of inner peace, wellness, and positive values.

At the same time, their studies prepare them to become leaders in society: in the arts, film, business, computer science, physics, and regenerative agriculture.

Your donations also support the growing interest in programs of consciousness development and health:

Maharishi Vedic Science, Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine.

During these unusual times your gifts have made and will continue to make it possible for MIU to meet the extra cost of changes needed to deliver hybrid teaching on campus and expand off campus online courses.

This year your Annual Fund support also goes to modification of campus buildings and services for the safety and good health of students, faculty, administrators, and staff.

Why I donate to MIU

“I donate to MIU because it is a wellspring for knowledge that goes much deeper than book learning or academic achievement. MIU educates for direct experience of enlightenment. It educates for the evolution of the individual and for the evolution of the nation and of the world.” – Tony Warren

Four ways to give:

The Annual Fund

Ensures our ability to function.

Capital Campaign

Supports the continuing upliftment of our campus.

Endowment Fund

Ensures our ability to endure.

Planned Giving

Funds the future of the university