Jessica Matschiner—Producing Uplifting Media

Jessica Matschiner—Producing Uplifting Media




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Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, TM-Sidhi®, Maharishi International University® Maharishi AyurVeda, and Maharishi Vedic Science are protected trademarks and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.

Jessica Matschiner first enrolled at MIU in 2011, but after a year of studying she returned to Missouri due to family obligations. During the next decade she worked in several positions, including as a nursing assistant and as manager of a 200-unit apartment complex.

MIU student Jessica Matschiner

In 2018 her best friend in Fairfield invited her to an international Transcendental Meditation® retreat for young people in Romania. In spite of numerous difficulties, including Jessica having to quit her job, she made it to the ten-day course in September.

At the international TM retreat in Romania with fellow course participants and local folk dancers

“This course was the first stepping stone in changing my life and helping me understand the value of TM,” said Jessica. Inspired by her experience, she took the TM-Sidhi® course the following year and re-enrolled at MIU.

Her TM® practice has helped Jessica strengthen her faith and improve her outlook on life. “Becoming regular gives me the ability to be an optimist,” said Jessica. “I am still human and have doubts, but they are no longer defeating me. I know how to get through the negative self-talk.”

At the 2019 TM-Sidhi course graduation with new friend Nicole MacPherson

Jessica is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in cinematic arts and new media and also doing a couple of internships with local organizations. In addition, she is residential director of the largest women’s dorm on campus.

“MIU helps me to develop my creative process from the place where I am in life,” she said. “The atmosphere the professors create in the class allows me to produce strategies for my difficulties and use them as opportunities to relate to people and share my experiences.”

Jessica has always enjoyed working with people and wants to enter the fields of life coaching, mentoring, and public speaking. She plans to study communication and mediation and earn a degree in psychology. “My main goal is to be able to help others to live their best selves and to do everything I can to lead by example and practice self-love,” she said. Jessica plans to accomplish her goal by using her media skills to produce encouraging and uplifting content.


Zaria Spell—From Family Videos to Documentaries

Zaria Spell—From Family Videos to Documentaries




Development Office, Maharishi International University
1000 North 4th Street, Fairfield, IA 52557 • 641-472-1180

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Copyright 2020, Maharishi International University. Publication or reproduction
of this communication in any form is prohibited without permission.

Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, TM-Sidhi®, Maharishi International University® Maharishi AyurVeda, and Maharishi Vedic Science are protected trademarks and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.

Second-year student Zaria Spell has an ambitious plan to write a memoir and produce a documentary on African American heritage, including her own family, before she graduates.

MIU student Zaria Spell

Zaria received her first introduction to filmmaking from her stepfather, who encouraged her to help edit the movies he made about the family’s adventures and vacations. In middle school she made her first solo project, a documentary about the history of the hijab, which made it to the Florida State History Fair.

Celebrating the Mexican holiday of Día de los Muertos with Student Activities

Like many students, Zaria discovered MIU on Facebook and, after attending a Visitors Weekend in April 2019, she enrolled in the fall. “The practice of meditation, healthy food, and diverse student body were all features that spoke to me,” she said. “I love having the support of a spiritual environment that has allowed me to blossom and explore my talents.” She feels the class in memoir writing she took with Professor Nynke Passi has been especially instrumental in building her confidence as a writer.

Zaria is pursuing the BFA program in creative writing and a minor in cinematic arts and new media. She enjoys discovering her talents and applying them to her various creative projects. Her long-term goal is to highlight cultural and social issues that do not get adequate attention.

Helping international students practice their English with the English Buddy Club

The practice of the Transcendental Meditation® technique has helped Zaria in her self-awareness and creativity. “It’s the easiest meditation I have ever done,” she said. “It’s so incredibly simple and I love that.”

In addition to writing and filmmaking, Zaria enjoys reading, dancing, and singing, and in her free time she dabbles in astrology and other methods of self-exploration. Since last May, she has also served as cultural committee president of the MIU Student Government.

Chad Hays, MD, JD, Pursues MBA in Sustainable Business

Chad Hays, MD, JD, Pursues MBA in Sustainable Business




Development Office, Maharishi International University
1000 North 4th Street, Fairfield, IA 52557 • 641-472-1180

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Privacy policy: We do not make our list available to other organizations.

Copyright 2020, Maharishi International University. Publication or reproduction
of this communication in any form is prohibited without permission.

Transcendental Meditation®, TM®, TM-Sidhi®, Maharishi International University® Maharishi AyurVeda, and Maharishi Vedic Science are protected trademarks and are used in the U.S. under license or with permission.


When Chad Hays enrolled in MIU’s online Sustainable MBA program this fall, he already had three graduate degrees. He obtained his MD and master’s in public health degrees simultaneously at the University of Illinois while taking a two-year break to also get a law degree at the same school.

MIU student Dr. Chad Hays

All of his education has served him well over the past 15 years, as he worked as an urgent care and emergency room clinician, hospitalist, and primary care physician. He is also experienced in telemedicine and concierge medicine. More recently he has been involved with running a drive-through COVID-19 testing facility and working in an outpatient community clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, where he now lives and practices family medicine.

Chad with his wife Cerrie Gleason, Maharishi School alumna ‘98

Chad had been aware of the Transcendental Meditation® technique and Maharishi’s writings because his wife grew up in Fairfield and attended Maharishi School. He wanted to study business and, after some research and a campus visit, he started MIU’s MBA program. He enjoys the live online classes and meeting students from all over the world.

“It’s been very satisfying to learn more about the TM technique by taking the Science and Technology of Consciousness class along with my business courses and put everything I learn in the context of STC,” said Chad. He also appreciates his TM® practice, which helps him refresh twice a day and stay focused afterwards.

Chad is especially excited about studying entrepreneurship and sustainable business. “People are increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, and the pandemic has shown what’s not sustainable, and that will be in the forefront of how we move forward as a society,” he said.

After he graduates, he plans to combine the knowledge he gains at MIU with his existing skillset and experience to create a new venture. He envisions introducing sustainability into his practice, consulting locally and globally, and supporting communities by promoting the practice of the TM program.