Aliko Foster—Transcending Limitations

Aliko Foster—Transcending Limitations

December 2, 2021 • ISSUE 599

Aliko Foster

Transcending Limitations

MIU student Aliko Foster had a career in information technology until 12 years ago, when an undiagnosed medical condition left him without his memory and ability to speak. During the next several years, Aliko had to relearn how to speak, study, and remember.
Not having much memory of his previous life, he decided to explore the new field of sustainable agriculture at Victor Valley College, California, where he lived at the time. A few years later, he spent 18 months traveling the country with an RV, then settled down in Roswell, New Mexico.
In 2021 he decided to relocate to the Midwest. When looking for homes on Zillow, he discovered Fairfield and MIU and became intrigued by both. After sufficient research and a brief reconnaissance mission, he and his partner, Catherine, sold their house in New Mexico and bought one in Fairfield.

On the set of his upcoming movie

They arrived in June, and soon Aliko enrolled at MIU. One of the first classes he took was in cinematography, where he discovered an affinity for filmmaking, a medium which allows him to express his creativity and quirky sense of humor. He enjoys creating entertaining and uplifting short movies for social media.
Even before arriving in Fairfield, Aliko and Catherine began following an ayurvedic diet, which helped him lose weight and improve his health. Learning the Transcendental Meditation® technique allowed him to change his outlook on life completely.
“When you are 58 years old with a memory problem, you don’t look at the future as something positive,” said Aliko. “I felt like I was done, but when I learned the TM technique, the limitations went away and everything became possible. Now I feel like I still have great things to do.”
After completing his bachelor’s degree Aliko wants to pursue a master’s degree in consciousness and human potential.