Kaili Rose — Documenting the Heroes of Live Music

Kaili Rose — Documenting the Heroes of Live Music

March 28, 2022 • ISSUE 616

Kaili Rose

Documenting the Heroes of Live Music

Kaili Rose is a student in MIU’s online Cinematic Arts and New Media Program who is working on a documentary series about the music industry and the challenges artists face on their way to success.
Although Kaili studied science in college, her passion lay in writing for the college paper and taking photos of musicians at concerts. Several years later she made photojournalism her career and has been traveling to music festivals to photograph and write about musicians. She has also worked as chief marketing officer for Top Shelf Music magazine.

Kaili working on her documentary

As live music events disappeared at the onset of the pandemic, Kaili decided to focus on her wellness. She had been exploring meditation and saw Jim Carrey’s 2014 MIU commencement speech, which inspired her to “mindfully pursue her passion for filmmaking.” Soon she found MIU’s online film program and enrolled.
Last summer Kaili made her first documentary short about two regional music festivals in Canada and the behind-the-scenes efforts that made them happen. The film has been officially selected by fifteen film festivals and received a best director award from the Vesuvius International Film Fest. Kaili is now developing the project into a series of short episodes, discussing unique perspectives and topics in the music industry with a diverse panel of artists and industry professionals.

The poster for her film “Love: Music”

In addition to gaining skills in her classes, Kaili received support and encouragement from the faculty. “The program has been amazing in helping me organize my career and understand how to make things happen,” she said.
The Transcendental Meditation® technique has helped her stay grounded and find calm in the storm. “Just the depth of inspiration that surfaces from this process really works,” said Kaili. “It’s helping me find common streams and meaning through everything I am trying to build into film.”

A scene from the documentary

Kaili wants to continue telling the stories of artists and will be releasing three episodes of her series this year.

Dileep Krishnamoorthy — Promoting ComPro Through Photography

Dileep Krishnamoorthy — Promoting ComPro Through Photography

March 21, 2022 • ISSUE 615

Dileep Krishnamoorthy

Promoting ComPro Through Photography

MIU alumnus Dileep Krishnamoorthy grew up in a village in Tamil Nadu, India. After earning a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Sree Sakthi Engineering College in Tamil Nadu, he wanted to find a job and continue studying to improve himself.
He heard about MIU from his uncle who worked closely with Maharishi for decades. The MBA program appealed to him, as it allowed him to have an internship position at MIU while studying. Dileep enrolled in 2014 and began his internship in the ComPro Department as assistant network administrator.

Dileep with the ComPro Admissions team in 2021

Dileep felt at home on campus, especially after he connected with ComPro faculty member Renuka Mohanraj and her family, who came from the same area Dileep did and welcomed him into their home.
After graduating from the three-year MBA program, Dileep enrolled in the part-time MA in Consciousness and Human Potential Program. At the same time, he began working with the ComPro marketing team. During his time at MIU he developed an interest in photography and filmmaking and started making videos to promote the department under the guidance of his supervisor, Craig Shaw.

Making a promo video for ComPro with administrative director Elaine Guthrie

Dileep says that through his MBA courses he improved his communication skills, personal financial practices, and even his eating habits. In 2015 he won second place in a mediation tournament hosted by the University of Wisconsin.

The MIU mediation team with mediation coach Professor Vicki Alexander Herriott at the University of Wisconsin in 2015

“Consciousness-Based education not only provided me with the knowledge of business and the human physiology, but also gave me a better understanding of my life in general,” he said. “I have developed a sense of connection with people around me, and a feeling that we all are one and the same.”
Dileep has returned to India and now works remotely doing Internet marketing, photo and video editing, and covering the previously unstaffed and highly popular ComPro website daytime live chat for his time zone, which has resulted in an increase in online applications.

One of Dileep’s photos taken in Fairfield

Roberto Elee Torres — The Art of Daily Ritu

Roberto Elee Torres — The Art of Daily Ritu

March 14, 2022 • ISSUE 614

Roberto Elee Torres

The Art of Daily Ritual

Roberto Elee Torres is a student in MIU’s low-residency MFA program and works as the administrator for the art department. Fairfield residents have seen Elee showcase his designs at the EcoJam fashion shows, perform with some of the local dance and theater groups, and sell his pastries at the farmers market.
Elee grew up in Mexico and was living in the Midwest when he heard about MIU from a student friend. Elee was impressed with his friend’s increased sense of fulfillment and positive attitude and decided to apply to MIU. Although Elee always enjoyed making art, he didn’t know how to become an artist. So when he enrolled at MIU in 2007, he took courses in Maharishi AyurVeda℠ and sustainable living.

Wearing his costume design at the 2017 EcoJam fashion show

“I kept getting feedback from everyone around me that my way of expression was artistic, and that made me curious,” he said. “I took some classes at the art department and never left; I found myself there.” Outside school he thrived in the local performing and art scenes.
Elee has also benefited from his practice of the Transcendental Meditation® technique and found it helpful in reducing his anxiety. “TM offers me a chance to reset myself during the day and come out more refreshed,” he said.

Sculpture by Elee

Sculpture by Elee

Last fall he joined the new low-residency MFA program which allows him to focus on making artwork while still working for the department. “It’s helpful to be in the MFA program because I can bounce things off other artists, and the environment is very conducive to creativity and artistic refinement,” said Elee.
Elee loves working with recycled materials and is focusing on creating mixed media sculptures. He is interested in exploring the domestic environment and how everyday activities and rituals can create happiness and fulfillment.

Ayako Huang Publishes Chapter on Sustainability Education

Ayako Huang Publishes Chapter on Sustainability Education

March 7, 2022 • ISSUE 613

Ayako Huang Publishes

Chapter on Sustainability Education

Faculty member Ayako Huang contributed a chapter to a new textbook titled Revolutionizing Sustainability Education: Stories and Tools for Mindset Transformation published by Routledge Press. The book features 17 educators from across five continents who share their insights on how they cultivate a sustainability mindset.
There is a growing awareness among management scholars that understanding the environmental problems of the world is not enough, and a change in mindset is necessary to create a lasting impact on behavior. Sustainability mindset is a way of thinking and being that results from a broad understanding of the ecosystem’s manifestations, and an introspective focus on the personal values and the higher self.
Ayako Huang is an associate professor and director of the MBA in Sustainable Business Program at MIU. She has been participating in the Sustainable Mindset Group offered by the Principles of Responsible Management Education platform, a United Nations-supported initiative that aims to raise the profile of sustainability in schools around the world.
She has shared her experience of Consciousness-Based℠ education at MIU and was invited to write a chapter for the book after she completed the sustainability mindset certification the platform provided.

The cover of “Revolutionizing Sustainability Education”

In her chapter Professor Huang describes sustainability management education as a human-centered and multidimensional task with a systematic approach. She highlights the importance of cultivating the heart value in the classroom, in addition to intellectual understanding and hands-on experience, in order to achieve a more holistic educational outcome.
Through such a systematic and holistic curriculum design, students can understand their place in the global ecosystem and the impact of their behavior on climate change and other environmental factors.

Taylor Placity—Telling Timeless Stories

Taylor Placity—Telling Timeless Stories

March 2, 2022 • ISSUE 612

Taylor Placity

Telling Timeless Stories

Taylor Placity is an actor, musician, and filmmaker who is currently enrolled in MIU’s online Cinematic Arts and New Media Program.
Taylor grew up in Arizona, acting in community plays and playing in bands as a child. At age 17 Taylor began performing professionally at Old Tucson Studios, singing, dancing, and doing stunts in the Wild West theme park. Taylor then moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting and had a variety of roles in films and TV productions.

The Wild West days at Old Tucson Studios

In 2016 Taylor joined the indie rock band Hey, King! with partner Natalie London, and they released their first album in 2020. Taylor and Natalie have been making all of their own music videos as well and collaborated on writing and producing films.

Performing with Hey, King!

At the start of the pandemic, Taylor decided to take a step back from acting and focus on songwriting and filmmaking. At around the same time, their band manager gifted the duo scholarships to learn the Transcendental Meditation® technique. Taylor heard about MIU and its online film program and decided to enroll.
Studying filmmaking, which requires a team, can be challenging online. But it also gave Taylor the opportunity to step into new roles, including producer, cinematographer, and editor.

Acting in and directing a music video

“MIU has done a great job,” Taylor said. “The professors are always just an e-mail away. I never felt like I was being left behind or lost.” The TM® technique has also been a helpful addition to Taylor’s routine. “I am able to process uncertainties more easily without experiencing a negative emotion right away.”
For a documentary class assignment, Taylor made a short film about an 84-year-old man named Al who rode his bicycle around his neighborhood with the goal of covering the circumference of the globe—24,901 miles. When he reached his goal, Taylor and Natalie surprised him with a neighborhood party to celebrate his achievement.
 “I want to tell stories that are timeless,” said Taylor, who now wants to focus on directing films and acting in them.

A scene from the documentary “Around the World in My Neighborhood”