The graduating class of spring 2017 of the Maharishi Invincibility Institute

Taddy Blecher, MII CEO, congratulating one of the graduating students

Three students who graduated from MII this spring

On April 29, Maharishi Invincibility Institute in Johannesburg, South Africa, held graduation ceremonies for 58 students earning bachelor’s degrees in business from MUM, bringing the total number of MUM degrees awarded to MII students to 235.

The Maharishi Invincibility Institute is a nonprofit organization established in 2007. It offers students access to 86 credits of coursework and a work-study program to help fund their tuition and gain practical skills. Students then enroll at MUM for the final years of their degrees and receive online instruction from MUM faculty.

“On behalf of the graduating students and the country of South Africa, we are deeply grateful to the wonderful and dedicated faculty of MUM,” said Taddy Blecher, CEO of Maharishi Invincibility Institute. “They have given our students knowledge for a lifetime of success, through the profound system of Consciousness-Based education brought by our shared founder Maharishi. Most of the graduates are already placed in jobs.”

The ceremony last weekend also included 35 students who had received an MBA or a post-graduate diploma from MUM in the past four years. All the students at MII practice both the Transcendental Meditation® technique and TM-Sidhi® program.

“They really appreciate the education they are receiving from MUM faculty,” said Morad Malekghassemi, MUM’s director of the international business program. “Many of them have written to me to express their appreciation. Our faculty work hard to understand the students’ needs and to ensure that they are grasping the content of the lectures.”

According to Mr. Malekghassemi, enrollment continues to increase at MII, since it’s one of the few low-cost institutions of higher education in South Africa. Another 55 students are expected to graduate with MUM business degrees in December, and another 85 have registered with MUM in recent months and have begun taking MUM classes. The students at MII are from 17 countries across Africa.

MUM professor Gabriel Akura traveled to MII to preside over the recent graduation.