October 11, 2021 • ISSUE 592

Raju Luitel

From Intern to Comptroller

Raju Luitel was studying to be a Chartered Certified Accountant in Katmandu, Nepal, when he heard about MIU through a friend. He wanted to study abroad, so he immediately visited the local Transcendental Meditation® center for more information. “They explained the block system, the paid internship, and everything matched; I applied that day,” he said.

Raju started the Accounting Professionals MBA in 2008. He felt immediately welcomed on campus and enjoyed the international family of students and faculty. “TM helped me focus on my studies and adapt to the new environment and culture,” he said.

After completing his on-campus studies, Raju moved to the Washington, D.C. area in search of a paid internship. In spite of being in the middle of the financial crisis, he found a job within two months at The Tower Companies, a family-owned sustainable commercial real estate development firm in Maryland.

Raju with classmates at MIU

Raju began at accounts payable and a couple of years later, using his IT experience, he helped the company transition to a new property management software. “That experience helped me grow my career because I got the opportunity to work with every department at the company,” he said.

Raju has been with The Tower Companies ever since and is now the comptroller, working directly with the ownership. He has received three employee awards, including the Albert Abramson Annual Award of Excellence, named for the founder of the company.

With Jeffrey Abramson, co-owner of The Tower Companies, MIU Trustee

Raju enjoys the healthy work environment in the LEED Platinum Certified office building which houses the company’s headquarters. He also appreciates that the practice of the TM program is one of the company’s benefits and values, with a meditation room on site.

Raju’s wife, whom he met at MIU, also works at The Tower Companies. He spends most of his free time with his family, including his three young children. He also enjoys stargazing, reading books, and watching movies.

With his wife, Nisha Dahal