November 24, 2021 • ISSUE 598

Muhyieddin Al-Tarawneh

Defragmenting the Mind with TM

Muhyieddin Al-Tarawneh is one of MIU’s newest faculty members in the MS in Computer Science Program, with a PhD in the implementation of machine learning algorithms over permissioned blockchains.
Dr. Al-Tarawneh was born in the US while his Jordanian father pursued his PhD degree and worked in the US. Inspired by his father, he had wanted to become a professor since the age of 12. He started coding while in school, and when his family moved to Jordan, he earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in computer information systems from Mutah University and Middle East University, Jordan, respectively.

At his PhD graduation at the University of Jordan

For several years he taught computer science courses at various universities in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, then began his PhD at the University of Jordan. Pursuing his doctorate degree as well as having a teaching position and several freelance jobs on the side had caused him to feel overwhelmed with life. He felt the need to defragment his mind. That’s when he heard about MIU and the Transcendental Meditation® program from a friend.
He browsed MIU’s website and applied for a teaching position. He arrived in January 2020 and, while teaching courses, he finished his PhD dissertation and has also written several papers.

With his father, Dr. Khaled Altarawneh

Professor Al-Tarawneh was delighted to discover that the TM® technique has helped him defragment his mind, sleep better, enjoy life more, and accomplish more. “Ever since I started practicing the TM technique I feel a self-organization is happening,” he said. “Meditation is like emptying the cache in my mind; it takes out the stress.”
He has also embraced MIU’s block system for his life. He gives his full attention to his students while teaching and focuses on his research when he is not teaching.
Professor Al-Tarawneh’s interests include machine learning and data science, and he is collaborating on research with various colleagues around the world. In 2020 he received the Wege Faculty Award from MIU.