Maharishi International University

Spring 2022

Capital Campaign

Preparing Our Campus for the Next 50 Years

For 50 years, MIU has enjoyed ample space on the beautiful 240-acre campus that Parsons graciously bestowed on us. But today, as a consequence of MIU’s record-setting growth, we critically need new dorms, more classrooms, and more faculty housing. And we need more land on which to expand.

Fortunately, there are ideal properties that surround our campus. Three of these have just appeared on the market. We have a rare chance to acquire them—if we move fast.

In these pages we present these strategic land opportunities and construction projects that are key to MIU’s growth. We also showcase projects designed to greatly enrich the quality of life for our students and community—a new swimming pool, new air systems for our Golden Domes, and much more.

And we present other exciting projects, like expanding our Solar MEG’Array
 to achieve energy independence and fulfill our President’s Climate Leadership commitment.

Plus a total overhaul of our campus IT infrastructure—crucial for handling our fast-growing online student population.

In our first 50 years, we have come so far! Your support today will ensure that our next 50 years will be even more extraordinary.

Make our Golden Jubilee momentous! Please contribute generously.

Land Acquisition

The following three highly strategic, contiguous properties will give MIU ample room to grow—now and well into the future!

Grain Elevators

This is an opportunity for campus development we must not miss! Seventeen acres ready for prime residential vastu construction.

Spees Property

This 3-acre block of real estate will connect the grain elevator on the north to the MIU main campus to the south.

Hartnett Property

Three choice acres located in the heart of our MIU campus – an ideal location for student vastu housing.

New Construction

Fairfield Business Park

MIU recently received a generous gift comprised of an 87,000 square foot office building, half of which is being renovated into student residences.

Utopia Park to be rebuilt as Global Peace Village

MIU is orchestrating a phased retirement of the Utopia Park trailers which will be replaced with the Global Peace Village.

MEG’Array Solar Power Plant: Expand capacity and upgrade batteries

Made possible by a $350,000 matching pledge, MIU plans to double the size of it solar array and upgrade the batteries — 80% of MIU energy needs will come from renewable sources.


Wege Center for the Arts

Fully Funded!!!

The transformation of the former Parsons College student union into our spectacular new Wege Center for the Arts is fully funded, thanks to our farsighted donors.

Swimming Pool

For students spending the summer on campus, our pool has been a boon for over 30 years. A renovated pool and dressing rooms can once again be a key feature of our campus.

Faculty and Staff Apartments

We are renovating faculty and staff apartments, furnishing them with donated beautiful furniture and furnishings. This will create more comfort and bliss for our cherished faculty and staff.

Golden Dome Air Treatment Systems

We would like to upgrade the air quality in our golden domes whose systems have been operating for 40 years. Your donation will support our “heroes” who are committed to creating world peace.

Recreation Center: Finishing touches

Our well-populated multi-sport Grace Ananda rec center is a haven for our entire community. We need to complete our renovations so everyone can enjoy.

Sidewalks around the Guest & Conference Centers - East and West

New sidewalks will help ensure that our visitors, prospective students, and the entire community can walk here safely and comfortably..

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation

Fully Funded!!!

MIU is undergoing a transformative donor-funded rebuilding of our digital infrastructure. This will prepare MIU to remain competitive and meet future challenges

Academic Programs

Expanding and Enriching our Fine Arts Programs

We wish to enhance the MIU Arts Program and our reputation in the fine arts community. Donations will bring renowned visiting artists and artists-in-residence.

Doctoral student research in Maharishi AyurVeda

Funding for 20 + doctoral students in Physiology and Health and Maharishi Ayurved is an opportunity to address the research deficit in these areas.

Make an Capital Campaign Gift Today

Capital Campaign General Fund

Giving by credit card or PayPal:







Other Ways of Giving to the Capital Campaign General Fund:


You may qualify for significant tax advantages by giving stock to MIU.

See our Stock Gifts Website to learn more or to begin your stock gift online.

The online process for transferring stocks will present you with an opportunity to designate which MIU campaign you wish to benefit from your gift.


You may be able to donate from your IRA account to MIU.

See our Qualified Charitable Distributions Website to see if you qualify.

Make a check payable to MIU and mail to:

Development Office
Maharishi International University
1000 North 4th Street
Fairfield, IA 52557

Please include the phrase “CC General Fund” in the check memo or attached note.

Send a wire from your bank  to:

MidWestOne  Bank
100 East Burlington
Fairfield, Iowa 52556 USA
Routing # (also referred to as ABN #) 073901233

Maharishi International University
1000 North Fourth St.
Fairfield, IA 52557 USA
Account # 14-9825-8

Please Include your name, the word donationand the sentence “CC General Fund


Wells Fargo Wire Transfer Information:
Bank Name: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Wells Fargo SWIFT/BIC Code: WFBIUS6S

Bank address, City & State:
Wells Fargo, 420 Montgomery Street,
San Francisco, CA 94104

Beneficiary Account Number: 000004122010531
Beneficiary Routing Number: 121000248

Beneficiary Name:
FAIRFIELD IA 52557-0001

Please Include your name, the word donationand the sentence “CC General Fund”

To give Crypto to the MIU Capital Campaign in any one of 32 cryptocurrencies, click here and fill out the donation form.

Please mention “CC General Fund” in the message to the non-profit box.





Monday-Friday, 10:15-4:30 Central Standard Time

For all contacts, Click here