Art professor James Shrosbree


Professor Shrosbree in his studio


WORB (polka), ceramic, cloth, acrylic, steel, 2017


CHROMO (spark)

The many achievements of art professor Jim Shrosbree were recognized this April by the Guggenheim Foundation, which honored him with a 2019 Guggenheim Fellowship. This award is not only a highly prestigious honor, but also comes with a substantial grant that typically allows recipients to focus exclusively on their research or writing or art for six months to a year.

Mr. Shrosbree was one of 168 scholars, artists, and scientists selected from a group of nearly 3,000 applicants in the Foundation’s 95th competition. He was one of only 25 who received the award for their work in fine arts.

“I’m over the top!” Shrosbree said. “It’s hard to quantify the enormous rush of gratitude and appreciation. This award affords freedom to create, so it is a chance to explore materials and size as well as some travel related to my studio practice.”

He added that the award is also a benefit to the art department and the university. “The benefit naturally spills into the art department and to the university as a whole because it stimulates and underlines the value of what is termed ‘research’ in an academic setting. That value is that each achievement can open the door for more and greater things to happen both personally and for the community of scholars.”

Mr. Shrosbree has worked in a variety of media, but has focused on sculptures formed out of simple, yet idiosyncratic materials. Many of his pieces are meant to be mounted on a wall and often have drawn lines or colored shapes placed behind and/or around them. In addition, many have physical connections, like wire, uniting the form and the wall through suspension, tension, and/or balance.

His sculptures, paintings, and works on paper have been exhibited nationally and internationally, and are included in such collections as Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Detroit Institute of Art, Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, Des Moines Art Center, Mint Museum, and the University of Iowa Museum of Art.

Professor Shrosbree has taught art at MUM since 1979. Visit his gallery here.