Capital Campaign

Make a Capital Campaign Gift Today

2020 Capital Projects

The Capital Campaign funds key initiatives that are not included in MIU’s annual operating budget. These are funded solely through donor designated gifts. They include launching new academic programs, new campus construction and renovations, student scholarships, key faculty research initiatives, and much more.

In recent years, through the Capital Campaign, we have made truly unprecedented progress in both major campus renovation and in launching new successful academic programs.

This year, due to the special COVID-19-driven urgency of our Annual Fund and our Endowment Matching Challenge, we are limiting our Capital Campaign to two very key projects. All others will be pushed back to the next calendar year:

1. The LIBRARY – A deep clean and refresh

We want to restore the library into a vibrant hub that students continuously use for meeting, study, research, classes, and social engagement.

While our MIU Library could use a complete revisioning and overhaul, for now, we wish to:

  • Open up space in the main east entry wing and remove the long row of books blocking the rooms on the west side of the library.
  • Re-furbish and re-carpet the east entry wing and furnish it with beautiful tables, chairs, and sofas.
  • Transform the rooms on the west side into cozy classrooms, study spaces, and meeting spaces. This includes new light fixtures, new carpet, fresh paint, and new furnishings.

This long-overdue refreshing will delight our students—and will be much appreciated by our visiting accreditation team. (They care about libraries! And so do we.)

Total Cost: $45,000

2. Student Scholarships

Every year hundreds of deserving students from the US and abroad apply to MIU.

We offer a generous scholarship program, but sometimes students require a bit more assistance than the US Department of Education will provide and that we can offer in the form of institutional aid.

Often there’s just a small gap between what students can afford and what they need to enroll— typically less than $3,000 per year. A scholarship fund to bridge this gap would allow many more quality students to attend MIU.

A high-leverage donation: This not only enables many more deserving students to enroll, it allows us to capture precious tuition funds (including federal aid funds) that these students will bring. These gifts multiply themselves manyfold.

Our Goal: $200,000

$200,000 would allow up to 60 students to enroll who otherwise will have to be turned away due to insufficient funding.

Where we are

Library Support Thus Far

Where we are

Student Scholarship Support Thus Far

To see the remaining 2019 MIU Capital Projects, click here

Where we are

Capital Campaign Support Thus Far

Where we're going

2020-2021 Capital Campaign Goal

2019 Capital Project Achievements

Donor Giving Successes


  • HighRise Renovation 33% 33%


  • HighRise Renovation 66% 66%
  • Argiro Renovation Phase 1 100% 100%
  • Hildebrand Renovation 100% 100%


  • HighRise Renovation 100% 100%
  • Art Center Renovation 100% 100%
  • Henn Mansion Repair 100% 100%
  • Grace Ananda Recreation Center Phase 1 100% 100%
  • Visitor Center Expansion 100% 100%
  • AgroEcology Project 100% 100%
  • GateRidge Purchase 100% 100%
  • Changemakers Projects 100% 100%

Other Ways of Giving to Support Capital Projects


Make a check payable to MIU and mail to:

Development Office
Maharishi International University
1000 North 4th Street
Fairfield, IA 52557

Please include the phrase "Capital Campaign - Library"  or "Capital Campaign - Scholarships" in the check memo or attached note.

Bank Wire

Send a wire from your bank  to:

First National Bank
100 East Burlington
Fairfield, Iowa 52556 USA
Routing # (also referred to as ABN #) 073901877

Maharishi International University
1000 North Fourth St.
Fairfield, IA 52557 USA
Account # 14-9825-8
Include your name, the word “donation" and the purpose of your donation, that is, to support the Capital Campaign - Library, or Capital Campaign - Scholarships.


Donating Stock to MIU:

You can donate shares of stock to MIU if the stock has appreciated and you have owned it for at least one year and a day. However, if the stock has lost value, it’s better to sell the stock first and give the cash to MIU.

In the latter case, you will still be able to deduct the donation of cash if you itemize deductions, and you will also be able to take a capital loss for selling the securities at a lower price than when purchased.

To donate stock, all you have to do is to send your broker following account information and indicate the securities and the number of shares to be included in the gift:

DTC 0443, Pershing LLC, for the benefit of Maharishi University of Management, Account #: QGW-002404

NOTE: MIU's brokerage account name is still MUM so use the above until further notice.

Once the stock has been transferred please email us at and let us know what stock was in the gift and the number of shares


MIU accepts donation of the following cryptocurrencies:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Dai (DAI)
  • Ethereum
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • USD Coin (USDC)

Click here to get started.

Talk To Us

Contact: Brad Mylett