Computer science students during the 2019 November registration

Graduating students sharing their experience with new students during the annual ice cream social

Students in class

Members of the 2019 graduating class

According to data just released by the US National Center for Education Statistics, Maharishi University of Management has risen to the number 2 spot nationally among US postsecondary education institutions for the number of master’s degrees in computer science awarded in the 2017-18 academic year (the most recent year for which data is available).

The data comes from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) report submitted to the government each year by all US colleges and universities. Some 230 institutions awarded a computer science master’s degree in 2017-18. In 2016-17, MUM was ranked number 5 nationally in this category.

Holding the number 1 spot was the University of Southern California, with 872 graduates. MUM’s total number of MS in computer science grads that year was 389. This was followed by the University of Central Missouri, 352; Columbia University in New York, 343; and the University of Illinois at Springfield, 338.

The Computer Professionals Program in its current form began in 1996 with 14 students. Since then the program has been growing gradually. Students study on campus for eight to nine months full time, and they spend the remaining time of their enrollment working as practicum students in paid positions at US companies. The money students earn during their practicum allows them to pay their tuition, room, and board. As a result of this format, MUM has attracted high quality international applicants from close to 100 countries so far. At least 98 percent of students are able to find practicum positions in the US.

By the end of the current academic year, June 2020, more than 3,000 students will have graduated with the MS in computer science degree from Maharishi University of Management. With four entries each year, new student enrollment is expected to reach 400 during the current academic year. The Computer Professionals Program is MUM’s largest department with its own recruiting, admissions, academics, placement, and administrative structures.