Computer science student Edgar Endo

Edgar’s interactive map of Brazil’s COVID-19 cases

In the Science and Technology of Consciousness class with Professor Will Richards

In the Enterprise Architecture class with Professor Payman Salek

Edgar Endo is a student in MIU’s Master’s in Computer Science Program, who recently created a Web page that tracks coronavirus cases in his home country of Brazil.

Edgar is from the town of Itapeva in southern Brazil. He earned a bachelor’s degree in information technology and worked as a teacher in a regional vocational school for computer technicians. Last year he found MIU on Facebook and became interested in the Computer Science Program. He tracked down Brazilian MIU alumni and, after talking to them, joined the program last August.

After completing his last class in modern web applications, he was looking for an area where he could apply what he had learned about creating single-page applications. He noticed that there wasn’t a city-by-city breakdown of COVID-19 cases in Brazil on the Internet.

“Brazil is a huge country and nobody was showing any local data,” said Edgar. “I wanted to present the data so anyone could view it on a cell phone or computer.”

After finding the source of the data, he visualized the information by creating a real-time interactive map. He shared his web page on Facebook and the number of daily visitors is continually increasing. “This is going to help a lot of people in Brazil to get fresh data from all states in one place,” he said. “I’m feeling grateful to MIU to be able to be this useful in this moment.”

Edgar has enjoyed his time at MIU, especially the opportunity to work with people from all around the world. He has also found the practice of the Transcendental Meditation® program useful in helping him relax and focus his mind. “When I am tired at work, I can stop and do my TM practice and go back to work with more energy,” he said.

Edgar has completed his on-campus coursework and is now looking for a paid internship position in the US while finishing the rest of his degree online.