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MIU alumna Olivia Lopez was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, lived in Germany for ten years, and arrived in Fairfield in 2003 to enter ninth grade at Maharishi School while her mother enrolled at MIU. Although the move came with a lot of challenges, Olivia felt right at home. The nourishing environment encouraged her to study at MIU and complete an MBA in sustainable business in 2011.

MIU alumna Olivia Lopez

Olivia, whose parents and stepfather are teachers of the TM® technique, had always wanted to become a teacher herself and, during her studies at MIU, she attended a Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course. Her first major teaching opportunity came from the David Lynch Foundation Quiet Time program in the San Francisco public school system. “It was exciting and rewarding to teach TM. I knew I had a purpose there,” said Olivia.

With her father, Dr. Alfred Lopez, at her MIU graduation

As a full-time teacher of the TM technique, Olivia relocated several times in the past ten years to open or run new centers in San Diego, Beverly Hills, and Orlando. She also had the chance to serve as assistant course leader on a Transcendental Meditation Teacher Training Course.

With her mother, Laurina, and stepfather, Bolton Carroll

“I love teaching TM because I can help people feel a sense of calmness and peace,” said Olivia. “I want to give them something no one can take away from them. It has helped me get through so many changes and moves, especially during the challenging time in the world right now.”

At a San Francisco Quiet Time event with Barry Zito, former professional baseball player and musician

Olivia currently works in the Tampa, Florida, area teaching one-on-one and utilizing video conferencing tools to connect with new and former students. She has particularly enjoyed instructing several new online MIU students and sharing her MIU experiences with them. “MIU gave me the foundation to let me be who I want to be in the world,” said Olivia “I am so grateful to all my professors who believed in me and all the lifelong friendships I gained at MIU.”