Jesse Holubeck—Living a Life of Purpose and Service

Jesse Holubeck—Living a Life of Purpose and Service

MUM alumnus Jesse Holubeck


Behind the counter at work


With Matthew Lindberg-Work at the shop

Jesse Holubeck was running a successful house-painting business in St. Louis, Missouri, when in 2006 he saw Dr. John Hagelin in a movie discussing consciousness. His curiosity led him to discover MUM, and he says he “dropped everything and moved to Fairfield.”

He enrolled at MUM, and a year later he learned the TM®-Sidhi technique. Jesse fell in love with the Yogic Flying® program and soon joined the Invincible America Assembly for a year.

He then returned to St. Louis and started a computer support and repair business. He had been fixing computers for friends and family, so he decided to turn his hobby into a business.

But Jesse realized that he missed living in Fairfield and attending the Golden Domes, so he moved back in 2012. “TM has given me a purpose in life,” he said. “When I am here serving people and follow my heart, things start to go my way and opportunities open up. I am part of a community and I am growing spiritually.”

Jesse has gradually built up his clientele by word of mouth. He recently teamed up with fellow alumnus Matthew Lindberg-Work in order to expand the enterprise. Named 2 Geeks and a Computer, the business offers a variety of services, including fixing corrupted systems, purging viruses, and repairing hardware.

Jesse’s aim is to be mindful of his customer’s needs and adapt his business accordingly. For example, based on his own experience and the public’s growing concerns for safety, he has thoroughly researched the effects of electromagnetic radiation and discovered that Wi-Fi routers emit signals powerful enough to cover the size of a football field. With the help of Matthew, he found an eco Wi-Fi solution that reduces this effect up to 90 percent.

Dylan Hanneman—Independence Through Agriculture and Sustainable Building

Dylan Hanneman—Independence Through Agriculture and Sustainable Building

MUM student Dylan Hanneman


With classmates in a biodynamic agriculture class


Working in the Mae La Oon refugee camp in Thailand


Harvesting watercress at an aquaponic facility during an internship with PortFish, Ltd in Port Washington, Wisconsin

Student Dylan Hanneman grew up in the small town of Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Although not from a family of farmers, Dylan spent several years studying organic agriculture and sustainable building techniques through internships around the country. Driven by a desire for independence, he wanted to learn how to feed and house himself.

Then he saw an ad for MUM’s Regenerative Organic Agriculture Program and decided to get a degree. Dylan wants to graduate with a double major in regenerative organic agriculture and sustainable living. His mission to become self-sufficient has now become a calling to teach others the variety of farming and building techniques he has been learning.

“Simple methods of agriculture could be taught to a wide range of people all over the world so that they could have food and shelter,” Dylan said. “Building up the topsoil and having more reserves of clean water are also a focus of mine.”

Dylan says he likes MUM because he doesn’t feel like he is in America. The presence of all the international students makes him feel he is all over the world. He thinks the TM® technique is the easiest and most effective meditation technique and, within a year of enrolling at MUM, he learned the TM-Sidhi®program.

“I get more energy from practicing TM,” he said. “It helps me focus when I go into activity and it helps me get rid of stress; that’s the biggest benefit of TM.”

Last May Dylan was asked to join MUM Student Government, and he took the opportunity to serve as vice president. In December, he stepped up to become president when the position became vacant. His desire is to help students accomplish their goals and improve their experience. He also enjoys listening to his peers with caring and empathy. In his free time, Dylan likes playing music, acting, and writing.

Peter Farrelly and Joanna Plafsky, Academy Awards

Peter Farrelly and Joanna Plafsky, Academy Awards

Peter Farrelly talking to students at MUM


Joanna Plafsky


Students and faculty of the David Lynch MFA in Screenwriting Program

MUM guest lecturer Peter Farrelly won two Oscars at the 2019 Academy Awards. He took home the statues for Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay for his film Green Book.

Joanna Plafsky, a founder of MUM’s David Lynch Graduate School of Cinematic Arts, was executive producer of the film Skin, whose co-producers Guy Nativ and Jaime Ray Newman won the Oscar for Best Live Action Short.

Mr. Farrelly was a founding adviser for the David Lynch MFA in Screenwriting, MUM’s low-residency program. He visited campus in February of 2017 and helped launch the program. “We are so fortunate to have had such a talented filmmaker as Peter Farrelly share his expertise with our students,” said Dorothy Rompalske, program creator and director.

During his time on campus, Mr. Farrelly spoke about his films and about how learning the Transcendental Meditation®technique in recent years has affected his work. Students in the program met again with the director this past December during their final residency in Los Angeles.

Together with his brother Bobby, Peter Farrelly is known for writing, directing, and producing quirky comedies such as Dumb & Dumber, Shallow Hal, and Me, Myself & Irene.

Mr. Farrelly co-wrote and directed Green Book. The film is based on a true story of a working-class Italian-American bouncer who was hired as a chauffeur and bodyguard for an African-American classical and jazz pianist in the early 1960s as he gave a concert tour in the Deep South.

Joanna Plafsky is an international film producer, film distributor, and philanthropist. She was co-founder of Nu Image Films (now Millennium Films), which went on to become one of the biggest independent film producers in the world. With the David Lynch Foundation, she produced the inspiring documentary Saving the Disposable Ones about Father Gabriel Mejia.

Ms. Plafsky is a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation technique and has collaborated with David Lynch Foundation TV on several projects. She also serves on the board of the David Lynch Foundation to help bring the TM® technique to schools and the less fortunate members of society.

MBA Students Earn High Scores in Global Simulation

MBA Students Earn High Scores in Global Simulation

The MBA student team that placed in the 98th percentile at the 2019 CAPSIM Capstone business simulation (from left to right: Odonmijid Ganbold, Anas Mizyed, Tuvshinbayar Surenkhorloo, and Odontungalag Tserendorj)


The team that placed in the 94th percentile (from left to right: Kennedy Kamfwa, Zoey Jiang, and Benedick Mbecha)


Student team #3: Seble Aygoda, Wajahit Zahir, Dauson Kamara, and Girma Temesgen


Student team #4: Samedy Vorn and Yogesh Ghimiray

Two teams of students in the accounting MBA program recently continued an extraordinary streak of accomplishments in the CAPSIM Capstone business simulations, earning scores that placed them in the 98th and 94th percentiles, compared to 1,450 participating graduate-level teams from around the world.

Three students from Mongolia were on the team scoring in the 98th percentile: Odonmijid Ganbold, Odontungalag Tserendorj, and Tuvshinbayar Surenkhorloo, as well as Anas Mizyed from Jordan.

The team in the 94th percentile included Zoey Jiang from China; Kennedy Kamfwa, South Africa; and Benedick Etiandem Mbecha, Cameroon.

“The Capstone simulation provides an important third-party assessment of our MBA student development,” said Professor Andrew Bargerstock, who teaches the students’ Capstone course. “An MBA education is designed to prepare leaders for the future, leaders who possess good strategic and tactical insights based on data analysis and problem-solving skills. The accomplishments for these two groups demonstrate the high value created by the MBA education at our university.”

During the Capstone simulations, students play the role of top management executives who guide the decision-making of their enterprise through eight years of multifaceted decisions, including sales and marketing, product development, manufacturing operations management, finance, human resource management, and total quality improvement.

“Nothing can give the real feeling of being the CEO of a manufacturing organization but the CAPSIM business simulation game,” said Tuvshinbayar Surenkhorloo.

“My executive mind grew through the Capstone simulation. The simulation has built-in capabilities that enabled me to exercise key attributes of consciousness—comprehension, creativity, initiative, vigilance, and foresight,” said Benedick Etiandem Mbecha.

Among the competing universities in the top ten percent were University of California—Berkeley, University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of North Carolina, University of Northern Iowa, University of Utah, Seton Hall University, Kansas State University, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and Hong Kong University of Science & Technology.

New Study Shows Students Find Relief from PTSD

New Study Shows Students Find Relief from PTSD

PTSD symptoms of students practicing the TM technique went below the clinical threshold
(see larger view)


Symptoms of depression for the TM group also decreased during the study
(see larger view)


Students practicing the TM technique at Maharishi Institute

A new study conducted at MUM’s partner school, Maharishi Institute in South Africa, found that the Transcendental Meditation® technique reduced students’ symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

“A high percentage of young people in South Africa, especially those in the townships, suffer from PTSD,” said coauthor Michael Dillbeck, researcher at MUM’s Institute for Science, Technology, and Public Policy. “To become successful students and productive members of society, they absolutely need help dealing with the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Our study shows that after three months of meditation this group, on average, was out of PTSD. It offers a way for others to effectively deal with this problem.”

Published in Psychological Reports, the study found that after 3.5 months of practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique, most of the 34 Maharishi Institute students who participated in the study – all of whom were initially diagnosed with PTSD by mental health professionals – went below clinical thresholds. The students also experienced relief from depression.

An international research team of seven scientists and psychologists conducted the study. At the start, the students had a score of 44 or more on the PCL-C test (a standardized self-report rating scale for PTSD). A score above 44 indicates likely PTSD and below 34 indicates that one is below the PTSD threshold.

Symptoms included nightmares, flashbacks to traumatic events, anxiety, fear, and hypervigilance. They also reported emotional numbness, anger, and violent behavior. At the conclusion of the study, the average group score of the MI students was below the PTSD threshold.

A comparison group of 34 students from the University of Johannesburg suffering from PTSD and depression received no treatment and continued to show no change in their symptoms throughout the study.

This is the first study of its kind to show how the Transcendental Meditation technique can reduce PTSD in college students.

Learn more about other PTSD research and projects here.