Sidewalk Tree Planting Beautifies Argiro Student Center South Side

Sidewalk Tree Planting Beautifies Argiro Student Center South Side

Where a plain gravel strip had been at the southern sidewalk of the Argiro Student Center on Keith Wallace Drive, now a row of six stunning 14-foot tall Autumn Blaze Maple trees stand. The old gravel of that strip has been removed and will be replaced with eye-pleasing decorative gravel next week, when the project concludes.

A fully automatic irrigation system will be installed in the next week to ensure that the trees are well watered.

The University thanks the donors who have made this landscaping upgrade possible.



Henn Mansion Repairs in Progress

Henn Mansion Repairs in Progress



Restorative work has begun on improvements to the interior and exterior of Henn Mansion, the University’s elegant two-story brick Greek Revival house (built in 1858) that houses Human Resources, Development and other important departments.

The same contractor that is building the 120-seat open-air amphitheater east of the Argiro Student Center has been retained for the Henn improvements, which include extensive roof and gutter repair. When the work is completed, it will free up additional office space and make the building even more dignified and presentable to staff, faculty and students.

Radiance Dairy Products in Annapurna Diet

Radiance Dairy Products in Annapurna Diet

Radiance Dairy is Fairfield’s organic, sustainable, 730-acre dairy farm that features grass-fed animals and produces delicious milk and cheese products.

MUM students, staff, and faculty have been fortunate in enjoying delicious Radiance Dairy products served in the Annapurna dining facility for many years. Funds to support the purchase of these products come out of the University’s operating budget, which draws from the Annual Fund. Because we’ve been able to meet our Annual Fund goals for the past few years, we’ve been able to continue to offer the great luxury of these nourishing products for the enjoyment and improved health of students, staff and faculty

Payroll Increase

Payroll Increase

The MUM Annual Fund has helped fund the University’s payroll substantially over the last few years, as the University continues to work on ways to provide additional funds for faculty and staff stipends. The Fund has been key in supporting our operations, which allow for needed resources for faculty and staff. The overall MUM payroll has increased annually over many consecutive years.