Henn Mansion Repairs in Progress

Henn Mansion Repairs in Progress



Restorative work has begun on improvements to the interior and exterior of Henn Mansion, the University’s elegant two-story brick Greek Revival house (built in 1858) that houses Human Resources, Development and other important departments.

The same contractor that is building the 120-seat open-air amphitheater east of the Argiro Student Center has been retained for the Henn improvements, which include extensive roof and gutter repair. When the work is completed, it will free up additional office space and make the building even more dignified and presentable to staff, faculty and students.

Radiance Dairy Products in Annapurna Diet

Radiance Dairy Products in Annapurna Diet

Radiance Dairy is Fairfield’s organic, sustainable, 730-acre dairy farm that features grass-fed animals and produces delicious milk and cheese products.

MUM students, staff, and faculty have been fortunate in enjoying delicious Radiance Dairy products served in the Annapurna dining facility for many years. Funds to support the purchase of these products come out of the University’s operating budget, which draws from the Annual Fund. Because we’ve been able to meet our Annual Fund goals for the past few years, we’ve been able to continue to offer the great luxury of these nourishing products for the enjoyment and improved health of students, staff and faculty

Payroll Increase

Payroll Increase

The MUM Annual Fund has helped fund the University’s payroll substantially over the last few years, as the University continues to work on ways to provide additional funds for faculty and staff stipends. The Fund has been key in supporting our operations, which allow for needed resources for faculty and staff. The overall MUM payroll has increased annually over many consecutive years.

Faculty and Staff Insurance

Faculty and Staff Insurance

MUM is a self-insured institution. “Self-insured” means that we use a risk alleviation strategy to finance group health plans in which expenses are paid as they are incurred, rather than paying fixed premiums to a traditional insurance company.

MUM can provide insurance and other benefits due to the support of the Annual Fund and its donors, which helps to fund the University’s operating budget. In terms of faculty and staff, MUM has an aging demographic, and the slightly higher insurance costs reflect that market reality. Even though MUM’s insurance costs have risen over the years, they remain far below the national norm in terms of cost and user needs per this demographic. That is one reason why the University remains self-insured. MUM gratefully thanks all donors to the Annual Fund who help make it possible to meet the University’s faculty and staff insurance needs.

Ladies Dome Parking Lot Resurfacing Completed

Ladies Dome Parking Lot Resurfacing Completed

Photo courtesy Soren Pearson

Thanks to generous donor contributions to the Annual Fund,  a resurfacing of the parking lot serving the Ladies Dome has been completed. The cracks in the surface are now sealed and the lot resurfaced, and new parking lines have been repainted.

The lot is now smoother than ever and looks great. This work will preserve surface and the lines for an additional 10 years at least and improve the experience for all lot users. This was a substantial investment, the first real update to the lot since it was originally paved. A job well done.