Sarah and Steven Michaluk—Transforming Health with Maharishi AyurVeda

Sarah and Steven Michaluk—Transforming Health with Maharishi AyurVeda

Dr. Steven Michaluk


Sarah Michaluk, clinical nurse specialist


The Michaluks enjoying the outdoors on Vancouver Island

Canadian health professionals Sarah and Steven Michaluk have been enrolled in MUM’s online MS in Maharishi AyurVedaSM and Integrative Medicine program since August, 2018. Within a semester, they have transformed their diet and begun using the principles of Ayurveda in their practice.

Switching from a standard North American diet, they became vegetarian, gave up coffee, and eliminated a few other items from the family menu. Steven shed 40 pounds along with some long-standing health issues. The new lifestyle also brought positive changes to their two teenagers’ mood and energy levels.

“I started looking at my clients with a totally different perspective over the past few months and began recommending small interventions that I learned in the master’s program,” said Steven, who is a dentist. He is relieved to be learning a systemic health care program that can treat the whole person, not just the symptoms manifested in oral health.

Steven and Sarah are from Winnipeg, Canada, and for the past five years they have lived on Vancouver Island. They have both looked for complementary modalities for their practices to apply a holistic approach to their patients’ wellness. Steven began studying Traditional Chinese Medicine and they, along with their two teenagers, learned the Transcendental Meditation® technique. Soon after, they discovered MUM’s online master’s program and both decided to apply right away.

“The way the program is delivered is very intuitive for a medical professional,” said Sarah, who is a wound care nurse clinician. “It’s very easy to learn those principles and apply them right away.”

“It’s also very scientific,” says Steven. “I feel we are on the leading edge of a wave, bringing this information to our own lives and to the public.” The couple’s enthusiasm has not only inspired their children, who now evaluate the ayurvedic properties of vegetables in the supermarket, but they find that friends and patients are equally interested in the ways they can improve their own health.

2nd ChangeMakers Event Focuses on the Effect of College on the Brain

2nd ChangeMakers Event Focuses on the Effect of College on the Brain

Neuropsychologist William R. Sixtrud being interviewed by event organizer Michael Sternfeld
(photo by Werner Elmker)


Professor Fred Travis demonstrating brain-wave patterns with student Chevonne Height
(photo by Werner Elmker)


The student panel: Kirby Shields, Chris Baluja, Emily Mauntel, Kent Kachejian, and Chevonne Height
(photo by Red Pearson)


Speakers Vicki Alexander Herriot, Dean of Faculty; Craig Pearson, VP of Academic Affairs; and Leslie Doyle, Director of Personal Support Services at MUM
(photo by Werner Elmker)


Students participating in the World Cafe roundtable discussion
(photo by Red Pearson)

On February 8, MUM held its second ChangeMakers event, titled “Is College Bad for Your Brain?” The conference explored the national epidemic of stress that can be overwhelming for college students in their pursuit of higher education.

Mental health challenges, substance abuse, and poor lifestyle choices undermine student learning outcomes and a successful college experience, said organizer Michael Sternfeld. Nationwide, three out of four students report feeling stressed; 39 percent of college freshmen report symptoms of anxiety or depression; 40 percent of college students binge drink; and there has been a 30 percent rise in mental health support requests.

The conference’s goal was to showcase MUM as a university that is reversing this trend by putting stress-reducing meditation at the core of the curriculum rather than as a peripheral add-on as done at other universities. Speakers included neuroscientists, psychologists, educators, and students.

A panel of five students discussed their experience dealing with stress and the transformation they have undergone at MUM. “MUM has provided the tools and allowed me to work with the stress, instead of against it,” said student Kirby Shields. “TM and Consciousness-Based education focus on who you are, and more so on who you want to be,” said Chris Baluja. “That’s what differentiates MUM from every other university.”

In addition, former Student Government President Chevonne Height participated in a live EEG demonstration led by Professor Fred Travis, showing the coherence creating benefit of the TM technique.

Chevonne said that since the event coincided with the orientation week for new students, many of the incoming students participated and learned about how MUM can help them grow and measure their growth by showing the improvements in their brain.

Chevonne also spearheaded the Love ThySelf Week challenge which encouraged students to engage in actions of self-care and self-love and share their successes with healthy behaviors.

On Saturday student Dylene Cymraes led a World Cafe event, which explored the question: How do we take full responsibility for creating a more balanced, centered life for ourselves and our greater community? During this dynamic roundtable discussion, students had a chance to interact on a more intimate level with the presenters from the Friday event.

The ChangeMakers event was sponsored by the David Lynch Foundation, the Abramson Family Foundation, and MUM.

Read about the speakers and watch a replay of the broadcast here.

MUM Offers New Track in Sustainable Energy

MUM Offers New Track in Sustainable Energy

Ralph Hearn, professor of sustainable living


Students in the Energy and Sustainability class at MUM in 2018


Professor Hearn coaching a student on how to make an EV charging station


Tejasvi Sharma, professor of sustainable living

From electric cars to wind turbines to solar energy, students studying sustainable living will now have the opportunity to enroll in a new sequence of six courses that will prepare them to work professionally in the field of renewable energy.

The curriculum of the new sustainable energy track has been designed by Ralph Hearn, who received an engineering degree from MUM in the 1980s and subsequently two Master of Science degrees. Professor Hearn is an inventor and researcher in sustainable energy with over 20 years of experience. He is a former senior scientist in the development of the first electric vehicle for General Motors.

Other faculty will include Tejasvi Sharma, who has just completed his PhD in mechanical engineering at the University of Iowa.

The courses in the energy track focus on solar photovoltaic technology and energy systems of electric vehicle technology, setting students on the path for a career in renewable energy supply and electrical vehicle transportation. This includes areas such as solar thermal energy, solar panel installation and sales, and electric vehicle technical support.

Currently, Professor Hearn is fixing a damaged 2012 Mitsubishi electric vehicle to get it ready for use in teaching the course on energy systems of electric vehicles in June. “There are 25 computers in the car,” Professor Hearn said. “It’s like a mobile micro-grid. A lot of knowledge about energy conversion, inversion, and distribution is concentrated in an electrical car, including the method used in wind-powered electrical generating systems.”

The sustainable energy sequence will begin in block 3 with a course led by Dr. Sharma on heating fundamentals and energy-efficient heating systems for housing and small-scale industry.

Solar energy courses include Solar Energy Science, Solar Energy Applications, and Sustainable Energy Lab. In the latter course, students will learn electrical fundamentals by doing, with instruction and guidance provided on the spot in the lab. For every energy course, there will be an integration of theory and a hands-on project.

A recent news report said that the fastest-growing job in eight states is solar panel installation. And in three states, including Iowa, the fastest-growing job is wind turbine technician.

Esther Fontaine—Getting a Masters Degree on the Road

Esther Fontaine—Getting a Masters Degree on the Road

MUM online student Esther Fontaine


Behind the wheel of her semi truck, which she drove for a year across the country


With her daughter Jenn, who discovered MUM

MUM student Esther Fontaine is a professional driver taking MUM’s online MA in Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM program. While driving a truck across the country for a year, Esther found a way to keep up with her classwork: she listened to the lectures on the road, took notes during her breaks, and did her homework at the end of her ten-hour shifts.

Esther has been a commercial driver for 34 years, driving buses, taxis, limousines, and trucks. She now lives in Illinois and drives locally while finishing her degree. Originally she trained to become a police officer and also earned a dual degree in criminal justice and sociology.

Esther has always been an avid reader. Growing up in a troubled home, she escaped to reading. At the age of seven, she became interested in God and attended various churches and Bible camps in search of answers. As an adult, she studied every religion, including Buddhism, Islam, and Bahá’i.

In 2012 Esther experienced difficulty coping with family trauma and loss, so she began searching for answers again, this time through personal development seminars and books. She attended Landmark Forum programs, which catapulted her growth. “I was looking for something that would challenge me on a level that I have never been challenged on before,” she said.

In 2016 Esther’s daughter discovered MUM while visiting Iowa, and Esther knew she had found what she was looking for. She learned the Transcendental Meditation® technique and enrolled at MUM the same year. She says she has become more peaceful and content, in spite of life’s challenges: “Transcendental Meditation has changed my life.”

Esther was excited to discover all the scientific studies on the TM program. “The logical correlation of a spiritual reality that manifested through a scientific avenue was what I’ve looked for my whole life,” she said. She enjoys sharing her experiences of the TM® technique and what she is learning in class with her friends.

In the future, she wants to write and speak about her journey and help women overcome domestic violence. “I want to create a legacy of change, where people know that it doesn’t matter where you come from, it matters where you end up.”

Jagruti Solanki Receives National CPA Award

Jagruti Solanki Receives National CPA Award

MUM alumna Jagruti Solanki


Jagruti receiving the 2018 Business Development Winner award from Aprio


With her fellow AICPA award recipient Samantha Bowling

MUM alumna Jagruti Solanki received the 2018 Innovative Practitioner Award from the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and for her role as a pioneer in blockchain accounting at the CPA-led business advisory firm Aprio.

“Since Aprio began working with its first blockchain client over five years ago, Jagruti stepped up and dove deep into the accounting nuances, developing best practices for our blockchain clients,” said Mitchell Kopelman, partner-in-charge of the Technology & Blockchain Practice at Aprio. In recognition of her leadership, Jagruti was promoted to partner on January 1, 2019.

Jagruti was born in India and grew up in Oman. She earned a graduate degree in financial management from the Indira Gandhi National Open University, and joined MUM’s Accounting Professionals MBA in 2006. “Being on the MUM campus was the best eight months of my life,” she said. The practical nature of the program, the stress-free learning environment, and meeting lifelong friends, including her husband, contributed to her positive experience.

Jagruti began her curricular practical training with Aprio in Atlanta, Georgia, and has worked there for the past 11 years. She started to specialize in the accounting and audit of blockchain and cryptocurrency five years ago, when there was no documentation or training available yet. Jagruti taught herself and, along with her team, developed best practices relating to blockchain accounting, audit, tax, regulatory, valuation, and cyber risk considerations. Today she speaks at blockchain conferences across the U.S.

What she enjoys most about working with technology companies are the learning opportunities that come with dealing with a constantly evolving field. She finds her practice of the TM® technique useful for coping with the stress resulting from the high demands of her job.

“The TM technique is the biggest asset we have gained at MUM,” she said. “It has helped me understand the importance of proper work-life balance — that sometimes you need to take a step back and slow down. That’s what TM does for me.”

Jagruti is proud of receiving the AICPA award as a non-native woman in a male-dominant industry. She is also eager to support fellow MUM alumni and has helped place an MBA student at Aprio.

Shiana Tea—From Software Engineer to MBA

Shiana Tea—From Software Engineer to MBA

Shiana Tea, MUM alumna of ’17, in her office at Dresser-Rand/Siemens


With a coworker at the Houston Rodeo Run, an annual benefit race


At a Siemens conference

MUM alumna Shiana Tea graduated from the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education) in Mexico with a BE in electronic systems engineering and an MS in automation and control engineering. In 2012 she was offered a software engineering position at Houston-based Dresser-Rand, an engineering and manufacturing company now owned by Siemens.

Shiana had practiced Zen meditation and Qigong and, in 2014, she was introduced to the Transcendental Meditation®technique by a friend. “It was something completely different from other things I have tried before,” she said. “It is really simple and effortless.” Shiana enjoyed her TM® practice and when she decided to study management in 2015, she checked out MUM’s Online MBA in Sustainable Business.

Having been promoted to a leadership position, Shiana wanted to cultivate her managerial skills. She chose MUM because it was ranking high as one of the most valued online MBA programs. She also liked the curriculum that offers a well-rounded education taking into consideration the social, environmental, and human aspects of business management. “The professors were not only good subject matter experts in their respective fields, but they had a holistic approach which made a big difference,” she said.

The managerial skills Shiana gained during her MBA complemented her previous technology-oriented education. She had no previous experience in finance, so she has greatly benefited from the theory and case studies in class, which now enable her to manage a budget.

Shiana was promoted twice in six years and is now an engineering manager, overseeing a team of 27 people. Last year she was selected to participate in a one-year leadership training at Siemens as one of their top talents. In the future, she plans to further improve her leadership skills to motivate people and help them grow.