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When Chad Hays enrolled in MIU’s online Sustainable MBA program this fall, he already had three graduate degrees. He obtained his MD and master’s in public health degrees simultaneously at the University of Illinois while taking a two-year break to also get a law degree at the same school.

MIU student Dr. Chad Hays

All of his education has served him well over the past 15 years, as he worked as an urgent care and emergency room clinician, hospitalist, and primary care physician. He is also experienced in telemedicine and concierge medicine. More recently he has been involved with running a drive-through COVID-19 testing facility and working in an outpatient community clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, where he now lives and practices family medicine.

Chad with his wife Cerrie Gleason, Maharishi School alumna ‘98

Chad had been aware of the Transcendental Meditation® technique and Maharishi’s writings because his wife grew up in Fairfield and attended Maharishi School. He wanted to study business and, after some research and a campus visit, he started MIU’s MBA program. He enjoys the live online classes and meeting students from all over the world.

“It’s been very satisfying to learn more about the TM technique by taking the Science and Technology of Consciousness class along with my business courses and put everything I learn in the context of STC,” said Chad. He also appreciates his TM® practice, which helps him refresh twice a day and stay focused afterwards.

Chad is especially excited about studying entrepreneurship and sustainable business. “People are increasingly aware of the importance of sustainability, and the pandemic has shown what’s not sustainable, and that will be in the forefront of how we move forward as a society,” he said.

After he graduates, he plans to combine the knowledge he gains at MIU with his existing skillset and experience to create a new venture. He envisions introducing sustainability into his practice, consulting locally and globally, and supporting communities by promoting the practice of the TM program.