MUM graduate Daniel Bramlett


With Professor John Collins, director of the Individualized Major Program


At the Graduation Awards Ceremony
(photo by Jim Davis)

Daniel Bramlett came to MUM already following his path of self-development. A veteran of the U.S. Army, he had earned two associate degrees and considered entering the field of drug and alcohol addiction counseling.

He was searching for a Vedic university online when he found MUM. He wanted to integrate what he had learned about human services and psychology with Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM, so he created an individualized degree, which he called Consciousness-BasedSM Human Services.

“Maharishi Vedic Science could be considered a deep psychology of the nature of being human,” said Daniel. For his senior project, he wrote a paper about the beneficial effects of different types of meditation and how they can support recovery from substance abuse. During the 2019 Graduation Awards Ceremony, he received the Outstanding Student Award for his individualized major.

Having had personal experience with substance addiction, Daniel is motivated to help others in their recovery. “I suffered consequences from an extremely unhealthy way of life,” he said, “and the pain got so bad that the only thing left was to seek happiness. I came here as a seeker. I want happiness, and I want joy, and I want bliss, and I want love, and I want courage, and I want to put my heart into everything I do. And this place has helped me to do that. For the rest of my life, I will be a forever changed person.”

Daniel found that the supportive atmosphere at MUM and the practice of the TM® and TM®-Sidhi programs have helped him create a well-rounded and balanced life. He has experienced clearer thinking, emotional stability, and a deeper self-awareness as a result of his practice. To establish a solid foundation for his future, he decided to stay in Fairfield while pursuing a master’s degree in transpersonal psychology online at Atlantic University.

“Daniel is a man with a mission,” said Professor John Collins. “Through his hard work and compassion, I believe he will help a lot of people escape the perils of drug addiction and be able to create better lives.”

Daniel is also a certified fitness nutrition and bodybuilding specialist. In his free time he enjoys exercising and improving his diet. In the future, he intends to work in the fitness and human services fields.