Dr. Nader meeting the student panel


On stage with Dr. John Hagelin


The audience at Dalby Hall


With the entire student panel on stage

Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR, leader of the worldwide Transcendental Meditation® organization, visited MUM last month, meeting with students, faculty, staff, and community members. Dr. Nader has been connecting with students and young people around the world through social media, and for most MUM students this was their first time meeting him in person.

Dr. Nader conducted a Q & A at Dalby Hall with the help of a student panel. Students asked questions about a wide range of topics including higher states of consciousness, relationships, work-life balance, and Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM.

“It was a great experience,” said doctoral student Brian Glassett, who was one of the five students on the panel. “I really love being with Dr. Nader because he embodies the balance of heart and mind in one person. He is very clear with his logic and bringing out knowledge in a way that is wonderful to listen to.”

During his stay at MUM, Dr. Nader also hosted a livestream video on Facebook on finding one’s life purpose. This was the fourth in a series of talks Dr. Nader has given on social media over the past months, reaching over 3 million people.

“Dr. Nader expressed how energizing and inspiring his visit to MUM was,” said Adrienne Schoenfeld, Dr. Nader’s publicist. According to Ms. Schoenfeld, young people around the world are curious about subjects like consciousness, and Dr. Nader’s goal is to answer their questions from the perspective of scientific research as well as the ancient Vedic wisdom Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought out into the world.

Dr. Nader also had meetings with Maharishi School teachers and parents and members of the Invincible America Assembly. His meeting with the larger community of TM® practitioners was broadcast all over the world through Transcendental Meditation Centers.

Visit Dr. Tony Nader’s website here.