MIU student Jeremy Erdman recording a radio commercial for his product during the Concept to Market Institute semester with local voice talent Jeffrey Headquist

Presenting his business idea to investors during the ChangeMakers event on entrepreneurship

At the David Lynch Foundation benefit concert with fellow contest winner Sharlyn Muigei

Visiting the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C., after the benefit concert

In 2015 Jeremy Erdman was looking for a college to attend when he discovered a video of David Lynch on MIU’s YouTube channel. Jeremy admires Mr. Lynch’s bold and unique style of storytelling and the diversity of his artistic expression. Since Jeremy is a highly creative person and aspiring filmmaker, he became inspired and drove overnight from Idaho to visit campus. After a quick tour, he drove home and applied to MIU.

Jeremy is graduating this June with a BFA in creative writing. During his time at MIU, he explored many of his creative interests, including photography, videography, architecture, industrial design, graphic and Web design. He has also acquired numerous paying clients for his services.

In addition, Jeremy took the Concept to Market Institute’s semester in creative entrepreneurship and came up with a business idea for a portable computer stand and other accessories. In June 2019 he participated in an MIU ChangeMakers contest, where he was one of five finalists to pitch their business ideas to investors in a Shark Tank-like competition.

In the fall he entered another contest sponsored by ChangeMakers, and his winning essay earned him an all-expenses-paid trip to a David Lynch Foundation benefit concert featuring Katie Perry.

As someone with eclectic pursuits, Jeremy enjoys the diversity of the MIU student body. At the same time, he appreciates the peaceful atmosphere and the opportunities for introspection, which are essential for his ability to invent and create. “The Transcendental Meditation technique taught me the value of silence and solitude, self-care and self-love,” he said. “It’s a good tool when things get crazy.”

Jeremy’s goal is to obtain a graduate degree in film and write and direct movies. He is also continuing to pursue his business ideas for various products. “I want to create and leave a legacy in multiple ways,” he said.