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Jessica Matschiner first enrolled at MIU in 2011, but after a year of studying she returned to Missouri due to family obligations. During the next decade she worked in several positions, including as a nursing assistant and as manager of a 200-unit apartment complex.

MIU student Jessica Matschiner

In 2018 her best friend in Fairfield invited her to an international Transcendental Meditation® retreat for young people in Romania. In spite of numerous difficulties, including Jessica having to quit her job, she made it to the ten-day course in September.

At the international TM retreat in Romania with fellow course participants and local folk dancers

“This course was the first stepping stone in changing my life and helping me understand the value of TM,” said Jessica. Inspired by her experience, she took the TM-Sidhi® course the following year and re-enrolled at MIU.

Her TM® practice has helped Jessica strengthen her faith and improve her outlook on life. “Becoming regular gives me the ability to be an optimist,” said Jessica. “I am still human and have doubts, but they are no longer defeating me. I know how to get through the negative self-talk.”

At the 2019 TM-Sidhi course graduation with new friend Nicole MacPherson

Jessica is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in cinematic arts and new media and also doing a couple of internships with local organizations. In addition, she is residential director of the largest women’s dorm on campus.

“MIU helps me to develop my creative process from the place where I am in life,” she said. “The atmosphere the professors create in the class allows me to produce strategies for my difficulties and use them as opportunities to relate to people and share my experiences.”

Jessica has always enjoyed working with people and wants to enter the fields of life coaching, mentoring, and public speaking. She plans to study communication and mediation and earn a degree in psychology. “My main goal is to be able to help others to live their best selves and to do everything I can to lead by example and practice self-love,” she said. Jessica plans to accomplish her goal by using her media skills to produce encouraging and uplifting content.