August 2, 2021 • ISSUE 583

Michael T. Moore
Expanding Renewable Energy in Fairfield

MIU alumnus Michael T. Moore was on his way to becoming a professional pilot, studying at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida. The year was 1971, and Michael just learned the Transcendental Meditation® technique. When he heard about the brand new Maharishi International University in Santa Barbara, California, he packed up his bags and transferred. When MIU moved to Fairfield in 1974, Michael relocated as well.

Michael first earned a BA in interdisciplinary studies followed by an MA in higher education administration and an MBA from MIU. He worked in marketing for several Fairfield companies, including Maharishi Ayurveda Products International and USA Global Link.

At a wind installation in northwest Iowa

Michael feels fortunate to be among the first graduates of MIU. “What I got from MIU was a feeling of confidence, that you can do anything if you put your attention on it,” he said.

For the past 15 years, Michael has worked in the area of renewable energy, managing projects and the acquisition of land for both wind and solar installations. He has worked with landowners, land agents, environmental specialists, and engineers in 13 states and two provinces in Canada. He is proud of having saved dozens of family farms by providing them with extra income for the use of their land, and his projects currently light up some 1.5 million homes.

With Anne Walton (left) and Marg Dwyer (right) of the Southeast Iowa Sierra Club, promoting recycling at the Fairfield Farmers Market

Nowadays Michael spends much of his time working with the Southeast Iowa Sierra Club on their various projects to make Fairfield more sustainable. He is heading the chapter’s effort to help Fairfield transition to 100 percent renewable energy. He has been coordinating with MIU and the City of Fairfield and approaching local businesses and organizations for support.

“We are looking at ways to see how the city can be powered by solar energy,” said Michael. “I would like to see that happen in the next four years.”

Michael is also volunteering with the Alumni Association and MIU’s 50th anniversary celebration.