MIU Achievements

Nynke Passi Publishes Poem in Leading Literary Magazine

Nynke Passi Publishes Poem in Leading Literary Magazine

    MUM alumna and faculty member Nynke Passi recently published a poem in issue 30:3 of CALYX, a prestigious magazine featuring literature and art by women. Her writing has been published in literary magazines such as Gulf Coast, Red River Review, and The...

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Chevonne Height—Student Government President

Chevonne Height—Student Government President

Chevonne Height, MUM Student Government president, was one of 100 undergraduate students to attend the recent Forté Women of Color College Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. The purpose of the conference was to empower women of color, and she was selected based...

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Top Industry Professionals Join MUM Board of Trustees

Top Industry Professionals Join MUM Board of Trustees

      A former government official, a top tech consultant, and an expert on career development have recently joined MUM’s Board of Trustees. The new members include Scott Gould, former deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Veterans Administration,...

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Jesse Bryant—Applying Vedic Knowledge to Agriculture

Jesse Bryant—Applying Vedic Knowledge to Agriculture

    MUM student Jesse Bryant hails from the small town of McPherson, Kansas, where he grew up helping in the family vegetable garden and working summer jobs on surrounding farms. After finishing high school, Jesse served in the US Army for five years. In...

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Nicholas Pace–Sustainable Entrepreneur

Nicholas Pace–Sustainable Entrepreneur

      Nicholas Pace came to MUM from New Jersey, where he obtained an associate degree in biomedical science. His plan was to study health and physiology, but after taking a few business classes he realized he wanted to become an entrepreneur. Nicholas...

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Dick DeAngelis–Documenting the History of Fairfield

Dick DeAngelis–Documenting the History of Fairfield

      Dick DeAngelis is well known in Fairfield and the MUM community. He was director of the highly popular All Things Italian Street Festival for ten years, and his latest project is an eight-part documentary titled The Fairfield History Series. Dick...

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Ayesha Sengupta—Spirituality and the Empowered Woman

Ayesha Sengupta—Spirituality and the Empowered Woman

    PhD student Ayesha Sengupta took first place in the Academy of Management’s 2018 competition for Most Promising Dissertation Proposal in Management, Spirituality, and Religion. Ayesha received a $1,200 award to attend the 78th annual meeting of the...

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