A complete upgrade and replacement of the exterior security lighting at MUM’s main dormitory for women, Hildenbrand Hall, was completed this August, with thanks to donor funding. Shown are the new Lamp Standard at the East entrance and an example of the motion-activated flood lamps, creating a perimeter of security lighting around the entire building.

There were broken light fixtures and a number of completely unlit dark areas around the building with the old lighting system; these issues have been remedied. Any dark pockets have now been eliminated. Walkways and entrances are now well-lit for safe pedestrian movement. Motion-activated technology has been utilized, so the bedrooms windows are not overly exposed to bright light at night.

LED Lighting Features High Energy Efficiency

All the new light fixtures use the latest LED technology for energy conservation. LED lighting is today’s most efficient way of illumination and lighting, offering an estimated energy efficiency of 80-90% in comparison to traditional lighting and conventional light bulbs. This means that about 80% of the electrical energy is converted to light, while 20% is lost and converted into other forms of energy, such as heat.

LED Lighting is Eco-Friendly and Sustainable

MUM also benefits because  LED lights are completely free of toxic chemicals and are 100% recyclable, helping to reduce the carbon footprint by up to a third. Most conventional fluorescent light bulbs contain a multitude of materials (for example, mercury) that are harmful to the environment.

The long operational lifetime span means also that one LED light bulb can save material and production of 25 incandescent light bulbs. A big step towards a greener future!