Planned Giving

Securing the Future

The success of Maharishi International University will be measured by its direct and indirect effects on the quality of life everywhere. We will count ourselves successful only when the problems of today’s world are substantially reduced and eventually eliminated and the educational institutions of every country are capable of producing fully developed citizens.

—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 1974

What is Planned Giving?

Many people like to support the institutions that mean the most to them with a gift through their will or trust, or other type of planned arrangement. These gifts, known as planned gifts, are usually, though not always, fulfilled upon the person’s passing.

Planned gifts provide a unique opportunity for you to create a lasting legacy.

They provide a way for you to pass on your values – what you have found to be most worthy of preserving for future generations.

Additionally, planned gifts are a way to achieve certain charitable and financial goals, and may yield certain federal tax advantages.

Who can give?

Everyone is welcome and invited to give. Often people think, “I don’t have an estate, I can’t make that kind of contribution.”

However, people from all walks of life can make a planned gift – not just the wealthy.

What can I give?

When most people think of making a gift, they think of writing a check or using a credit card. Planned gifts are usually made from people’s assets, such as cash, securities,

real estate, business interests, artwork, intellectual property, retirement plan assets, insurance policies, and investment accounts.

How do I make a planned gift to MIU?

Writing your will or living trust requires specific language that accurately identifies your gift. MIU recommends working with an estate planner or a lawyer versed in wills and trusts.

If you already have a will that does not include MIU, your lawyer can help you prepare a codicil in your will.

If you already have a living trust, your lawyer can help insert the instruction into your trust to make the desired distribution to MIU.

Where we are

Planned Gift Pledges

Where we're going

2021-2023 Planned Gift Pledges Goal

Sometimes it's more complex

Planned giving can be designed in many ways. Sometimes it's more than just creating a will.

This is a fascinating area of financial knowledge, with all sorts of tools and varying benefits.

If you feel that your needs or wishes are more complicated than a normal will supports, we suggest that you consult with a family lawyer, legacy giving professional, and/or you can take advantage of our Professional Advisory Team (PAT).

In any case, it's all in the numbers and how they can best serve you and the causes to which you hope to leave a legacy gift.

Bequests, Beneficiary Designation Gifts and Charitable IRA Distributions are easy, flexible, and in some cases have tax benefits. And there are many other intriguing options (see below).

Income producing 

  • Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust
  • Charitable Remainder Unitrust
  • Sale and Unitrust
  • Give it Twice trust
  • Charitible Gift Annuity


Asset Protection 

  • Charitable Lead Trust
  • Charitable Bargain Sale
  • Life Estate Reserved

Tax Benefit

  • Stocks/Bonds
  • Retirement Assets
  • Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • Oil/Gas/Minerals
  • Cash

If you would like support on planned giving options, contact our MIU Gift Officer, who will either assist you directly or involve members of our Professional Advisory Team.

Eric Stakland