July 11, 2022 • ISSUE 631

Samuel Bartolome Valiente

Outstanding Computer Science Student

MIU graduate Samuel Bartolome Valiente grew up in Spain and learned the Transcendental Meditation® technique at the age of six. His father had encouraged him to apply to MIU, and they visited campus in 2003. In 2018 Samuelfinally applied.
Prior to enrolling at MIU, Samuel worked in the family’s retail business for 16 years. He has always enjoyed computers, so he decided to earn a BS in computer science at MIU.
“It was a really great program and my professors were amazing,” he said. “They allowed me to take some courses with the graduate students in the ComPro Program. I also felt supported during my stay by the faculty and staff.”

Samuel with Professors Anne Dow and Cathy Gorini and classmate Kidist Zihon

The block system of taking one course at a time was an extremely beneficial aspect of his education at MIU. It allowed him to immerse himself in one subject at a time and improve his retention of the material. He also enjoyed the healthy daily routine. “You are in an environment where it’s easy to practice TM; it’s part of your class.”
Samuel graduated this June with an Outstanding Student Award. For the first time in three years, he was able to return to Spain and reunite with his wife and daughter.
In July Samuel is returning to campus to complete his one-year Optional Practical Training (OPT) for international students. He is joining the team that maintains the Computer Science Department’s online education platforms. He is excited to return to campus to continue learning and gaining valuable experience, and this time he will be able to bring his family.